Monday, June 15, 2015

When Sister Death Visits
Coming to terms with our own
Death is part of the conversion
we tend too avoid, because we
Like to think we are immortal
Or feel we are.We may have avioded confrontig our own death
Failing to prepare a place for
Peace in the hearts of those we
Love most of all.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Myth or Realities Of World: Eclipse And Pregnant Women Myth Or Reality

Myth or Realities Of World: Eclipse And Pregnant Women Myth Or Reality: Eclipse and pregnant women:- In many religions and culture, pregnant women are forbidden from going out when there is either sola


Placenta Accreta

Falcon Attack: Peregrine Divebombs Flock of Starlings

Or perhaps you look forward to the time of the millennium, when, as the Scriptures promise us, the kingdom of God shall be visible on earth, and none shall hurt or destroy in all of God's holy mountain, and righteousness shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Every man's heart leaps up when we hear words like that.

The Wizard of Oz: Cyclone Clip

My Dog Choco

Pulp Fiction - Lance & Vincent

My Dog Choco

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Face Paint Superstar! James Kuhn. New and Old, Face Paint Favorites!

But for everything there is a season. No matter what happens this place has already changed in a way that it won't come back from. People left in droves, some of us are still banded together for the time being.